Why do you like this bald dude anyways?

Oh GOD. Where do I even START?! My interest in the Doctor as a character goes as far back as 2021, when I was first watching through the first 3 Star Trek series (TOS, TNG, DS9) I tried starting Voyager in 2021 but I could never get into it, until this year when I finally came around to it and watched it for the first time. The first time I met the EMH in any capacity was in his scene in First Contact, where Dr. Crusher activates him solely to distract the borg. This scene is VERY cute by the way. But this EMH is not the same character as The Doctor, only the same program. But nonetheless, this EMH intrigued me to the Voyager EMH! and then we meet another EMH in DS9. Which is also, a very cute scene.
All of these appearances really piqued my interest in this guy, he was so sassy and bitchy much like his creator. It was a personality I could get behind, he seemed like such a fun concept to me. So for awhile I said that among the only things that could get me to like Voyager would be him. And boy, oh boy. Was I correct about that assumption. I like a lot of things about Voyager, but lets just say...he really sells it for me. The EMH's first franchise appearance was still Voyager though, First Contact and DS9 s5 came AFTER the first season of Voyager! Which makes The Doctor all the more unique. He's not just any other EMH, hes The Doctor!
Just to make things clear, I am VERY attracted to The Doctor. Unlike most people in American society I'm not turned off by baldness and dont give a hell. I think hes the sexiest thing I've ever laid my goddamn eyes on. I cant explain to you why, but while theres plenty of Star Trek characters I find sexy, hes by far the most sexiest to me by a landslide. I dont know why! I love Q all fine and good and I definitely think hes sexier but my personal interests are just so. So attached to The Doctor. If I'm making any sense. (im not.)
Aside from my obsessive attraction towards this trick of the light, I admire his character arc. While I think the show writers really gave him the short end of the stick at times, he was still executed really well most of the time. To watch him grow in real time is riveting and captivating. He completely blossoms into Somebody by the end of the series and its really beautiful to see as someone who loves him so much. I feel like the crew couldve been a bit um, idk, nicer? To him over the course of these 7 years...but perhaps their mistreatment of him added to his character, somehow. But it definitely didnt aid in his growth (treating him badly will just make him more standoffish who woulda thunk) Okay to avoid being too negative about Voyager's treatment of the Doctor, He still has some great moments with the crew that quickly became his family.
Honestly, I'm still not sure if i'm just completely blinded and biased by my love for him. Most times during the show I would always take his side in everything. I think the Doctor is an incredibly gentle, understanding, and friendly being and most people fail to see that. Both the people in the show, and the fanbase! He's not just a grumpy bald guy, hes a passionate person with interests and fears and opinions and and. Well, I wont become a broken record.
I think The Doctor is definitely the Data/Spock of Voyager but in a new, fresh way that doesnt feel like theyre just recycling character concepts. Hes an incredibly interesting idea, and he expands upon the discussion of artifical intelligence within this franchise in a very fresh and new way, I think. Learning more about his program, his malfunctions, his subroutines. It was completely captivating! Seeing him eat for the first time, seeing him sing, seeing him feel pain, seeing him feel genuine joy. Hearing him describe the experience of being shut off, the need to leave sickbay. His feelings and thoughts must be so complex, I'd love to frolick around in his complex and lush subroutines. Yes, I'm insane!
I also really love the Doctor's voice and vocabulary. Robert Picardo's performance as The Doctor is simply ONE of a KIND. No one else could play The Doctor, ever. Not ever! The Doctor is nothing without Picardo's performance. He's so expressive, he enunciates syllables like a madman and uses complex words like some kind of thesaurus. Which he technically, kind of, is. A medical thesaurus, if you will. It seems some may make fun of the Doctor for his shrill, kind of high voice but I LOVEEEE it. Its like...well music to my ears LOL. Simply put! I love his facial expressions, too. He's so funny and captivating to just. Observe! Watch!!!
What else can I say...what else IS there to say? My biggest dream in the world is to travel to the future and be The Doctor's assistant nurse all throughout the 7 years of Voyager's journey. I want to be by his side and support him and sing duets with him and play golf with him and maybe kiss him. Maybe. If he wouldnt mind.

List of a few specific things I love about the Doctor

extra note...i have a thing for priests...and id give anything to be apart of father mulligan's church...OGH.... id be the one to tempt him if you know what im sayinnnn HAHAHAHAFUFCK