Please state the nature of the medical emergency.
Welcome to Sickbay! this is my shrine for the Star Trek: Voyager character The Doctor, he is also known as EMH, Which is an abbreviation of Emergency Medical Hologram.
The EMH was first introduced in Voyager, but is seen in other places in the Star Trek franchise, such as Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The Doctor we see in Voyager, though, is his own unique character. His program, the EMH, was not originally intended to be left running for very long. But due to emergency circumstances, such as his ship being stranded 70,000 lightyears from Earth and the CMO dying, has lead him to be activated essentially permanently. This has lead him to growing and becoming his own lifeform. Beyond medical practice, he gains hobbies and passions. Especially for opera and other music mediums.
It was a struggle for him at first as most people were conditioned to view him as a tool, nothing more. This lead to him often being misunderstood, ignored, and his rights not being acknowledged. But overtime, he became very good friends with his fellow shipmates and they begun to recognize him as a fellow person. After recieving a piece of technology from the 29th century called the Mobile Emitter, he was able to venture outside of places other than the Sickbay that he was confined to for the first 2 years of Voyager's journey. This allowed him to explore more of his interests and social endeavors. Here, in this shrine, you will get to learn about all of the fun and brilliant things The Doctor did throughout the 7 years he spent aboard Voyager in the Delta Quadrant.